01: Why Fulfilment?

Little did I know I have been studying this topic my whole life. Turns out you have been too. Whether you realise it or not, consciously or subconsciously, you have been working to uncover and create personal and/or professional fulfilment.
Fulfilment is a deeply personal discovery that only you can uncover. It is innate yet evolving and malleable, shaped over time through conscious engagement with past experiences and present opportunities. Ultimately, fulfilment is the true expression of your authentic self.
While experiencing anxiety and stress about my future, I reached out to a friend who works as a professional coach. We spoke for 20 minutes and planned additional conversations that never transpired, but what he said to me in that short time has changed the way I think and feel about life.
He said the following:
“People think fulfilment is found in recreation when in fact it is found in creation.”
Viewing all our works as creations helps us to be more conscious and aware of what we’re building. Taking on the title of creator helps place the power rightfully in our hands for the life we create, on a personal level—whether it be relationships with your family or friends—or on a professional level—in the value you bring to a market or industry.
There is hope in knowing that we can use all our experiences for our gain as we take what we have learned and use it to create whatever we want—something beautiful for the benefit of the world or ugly to its detriment.
With a mindset of abundance, knowing that we are blessed with unending resources, there is no end to what we can create.
Here's to taking responsibility for our own creations, with arguably the most important creation being who we are. Making a conscious decision to improve ourselves will be a painful journey but will ensure that we live a life that is fulfilling and inspiring.
In the words of Marianne Williamson (often wrongly attributed to Nelson Mandela or Coach Carter): “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.”
This journey is about acknowledging our power to intentionally create great things. This journey is about embracing the fear of the light and stepping into it regardless of the discomfort. Here’s to playing big and serving the world.

02: Look a Fool